Teenagers across America are being used
by God to reach the lost!
"How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?" (Romans 10:14, ESV)
by God to reach the lost!
"How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?" (Romans 10:14, ESV)
Dear Summer Missionary,
I am so pleased to know that you want to serve the Lord this summer as a CEF missionary. It will be a joy to watch God use you in the lives of boys and girls. In 2024, God raised up 34 summer missionaries and did 5-Day clubs in 9 locations throughout Northern Virginia. By God's grace and through their team efforts and, they reached at least 200 children in July and around 3 children professed their faith in Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!
You will be a part of God's amazing work this summer again. On May 10, 2025, there will be a mandatory pre-training to prepare you for the summer's work. We will meet at the CEF office from 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. The pre-training that will be taking place on May 18 is also open to anyone who wants to do their own 5-Day Club or to strengthen their ability to share the Gospel. On that day, you will receive your own 5-Day Club kit and be introduced to the 5-Day Club ministry. This pre-training will make it much easier for you at the week-long Christian Youth In Action training school. Be sure you call me at 703-641-9201 or email to [email protected] if you have any questions.
Christian Youth In Action (CYIA) training school will be June 15 -- June 21, 2025 The training school will be held at a new location this year, the Christchurch School, 49 Seahorse Ln., Christchurch, VA 23031 (located on the Rappahanock River). On the last day (June 21st), there will be a graduation ceremony, and families are invited. It is an enjoyable time for your family to get an idea of what you did and meet your new friends.
Enough about schedules and onto something that is probably more important to you, which is "fund raising." We have seen that the most effective way to raise money is to send out a support letter. Make a list of your relatives, friends, and family friends, people in your church, etc. If you sit down with your parents, you could probably come up with at least 50 people who have shown some interest in your (don't forget Sunday School teacher and Bible study leaders). By the way, if you have some dear friends or relatives who are not saved, it is still okay to send them a letter. Many times, our Lord also works through these people for His kingdom.
As far as the letter is concerned, make it clear, simple, and one page. In the first paragraph, please explain what you will be doing this summer. In the next paragraph, you tell them why you decided to this ministry and what you hope to accomplish. It is in the last paragraph where you mention the financial need. Politely, but clearly, share how much money you need and ask if they would consider sending a monetary gift to put toward these costs. All gifts are tax deductible and need to be made out to CEF of NOVA.
On the return envelope flap (if you are sending a hardcopy letter), or on a separate piece of paper with the gift, they should write your name. These donations should be sent to CEF of NOVA (8001 Forbes Place, Suite 101, Springfield, VA 22151).
Be sure you provide the CEF office number (703-641-9201) just in case there are any questions. Please remember that people are interested in you. If they feel that you are using your summer to make a difference for the Lord, especially in the local area, the chances are good they will give to this ministry. Below are a couple of sample letters you could download and use.
You should approach your church's mission committee and ask them for financial help as well. Perhaps your pastor will you share your testimony in a service. Then an offering may be collected to help you in this ministry.
The cost of the training school, materials, transportation during the 5-Day Clubs, and the administration cost will come to $600. This money will have to be raised and turned in before coming to the week of training. The following is the breakdown of the cost: week of training camp ($360, subsidized cost), materials ($75), transportation during clubs ($100), and administration cost ($65).
If you will be working with your church only and your church provides transportation, the cost will be $500. The breakdown is this: Week of Camp ($360, subsidized cost), materials ($75), and administration cost ($65).
Please don't let the monetary cost disturb you. Believe me, God loves to provide for His children. He loves it when His children depend on Him to provide the impossible. This is your opportunity to take a step of faith and watch God do miracles. We are praying for you!
What wonderful adventures await you with the Lord! I am looking forward to meeting you on May 10, 2025.
In Him, for the children of Northern Virginia,
E. J. Hwang
CEF of Northern Virginia
I am so pleased to know that you want to serve the Lord this summer as a CEF missionary. It will be a joy to watch God use you in the lives of boys and girls. In 2024, God raised up 34 summer missionaries and did 5-Day clubs in 9 locations throughout Northern Virginia. By God's grace and through their team efforts and, they reached at least 200 children in July and around 3 children professed their faith in Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!
You will be a part of God's amazing work this summer again. On May 10, 2025, there will be a mandatory pre-training to prepare you for the summer's work. We will meet at the CEF office from 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. The pre-training that will be taking place on May 18 is also open to anyone who wants to do their own 5-Day Club or to strengthen their ability to share the Gospel. On that day, you will receive your own 5-Day Club kit and be introduced to the 5-Day Club ministry. This pre-training will make it much easier for you at the week-long Christian Youth In Action training school. Be sure you call me at 703-641-9201 or email to [email protected] if you have any questions.
Christian Youth In Action (CYIA) training school will be June 15 -- June 21, 2025 The training school will be held at a new location this year, the Christchurch School, 49 Seahorse Ln., Christchurch, VA 23031 (located on the Rappahanock River). On the last day (June 21st), there will be a graduation ceremony, and families are invited. It is an enjoyable time for your family to get an idea of what you did and meet your new friends.
Enough about schedules and onto something that is probably more important to you, which is "fund raising." We have seen that the most effective way to raise money is to send out a support letter. Make a list of your relatives, friends, and family friends, people in your church, etc. If you sit down with your parents, you could probably come up with at least 50 people who have shown some interest in your (don't forget Sunday School teacher and Bible study leaders). By the way, if you have some dear friends or relatives who are not saved, it is still okay to send them a letter. Many times, our Lord also works through these people for His kingdom.
As far as the letter is concerned, make it clear, simple, and one page. In the first paragraph, please explain what you will be doing this summer. In the next paragraph, you tell them why you decided to this ministry and what you hope to accomplish. It is in the last paragraph where you mention the financial need. Politely, but clearly, share how much money you need and ask if they would consider sending a monetary gift to put toward these costs. All gifts are tax deductible and need to be made out to CEF of NOVA.
On the return envelope flap (if you are sending a hardcopy letter), or on a separate piece of paper with the gift, they should write your name. These donations should be sent to CEF of NOVA (8001 Forbes Place, Suite 101, Springfield, VA 22151).
Be sure you provide the CEF office number (703-641-9201) just in case there are any questions. Please remember that people are interested in you. If they feel that you are using your summer to make a difference for the Lord, especially in the local area, the chances are good they will give to this ministry. Below are a couple of sample letters you could download and use.
You should approach your church's mission committee and ask them for financial help as well. Perhaps your pastor will you share your testimony in a service. Then an offering may be collected to help you in this ministry.
The cost of the training school, materials, transportation during the 5-Day Clubs, and the administration cost will come to $600. This money will have to be raised and turned in before coming to the week of training. The following is the breakdown of the cost: week of training camp ($360, subsidized cost), materials ($75), transportation during clubs ($100), and administration cost ($65).
If you will be working with your church only and your church provides transportation, the cost will be $500. The breakdown is this: Week of Camp ($360, subsidized cost), materials ($75), and administration cost ($65).
Please don't let the monetary cost disturb you. Believe me, God loves to provide for His children. He loves it when His children depend on Him to provide the impossible. This is your opportunity to take a step of faith and watch God do miracles. We are praying for you!
What wonderful adventures await you with the Lord! I am looking forward to meeting you on May 10, 2025.
In Him, for the children of Northern Virginia,
E. J. Hwang
CEF of Northern Virginia
Please click on each link below to complete the application. New applicants need to complete all parts. Returning CYIA Summer Missionaries do not need to obtain references.
After completing the Application, follow the remaining instructions for Child Protection Program Screening.
After completing the Application, follow the remaining instructions for Child Protection Program Screening.
1. MAIN Application
2. Dress Code
3. Code of Conduct
4. Summer Service Agreement
5. Medical Questionnaire
6. Medications to Be Taken At Camp
7. Photo/Video Release
8. Three (3) References [only for new applicants] (click below to download files):
2. Dress Code
3. Code of Conduct
4. Summer Service Agreement
5. Medical Questionnaire
6. Medications to Be Taken At Camp
7. Photo/Video Release
8. Three (3) References [only for new applicants] (click below to download files):
Child Protection Program Screening Instructions for CYIAers
CEF takes seriously our responsibility to protect the children we serve, the volunteers who serve the children, our partnering churches and the good name of Jesus Christ.
[Screening is Required for CYIAers]
We are so excited about all that you want to serve the Lord this summer as a Summer Missionary. It will be a joy to watch that God will use you in the lives of the boys and girls.
If you are under 17 years old, you are required to take Step 1.
A: You can Download and Read the Child Protection Policy
B: Click, read, and submit the Worker's Compliance Agreement online.
C. Click and Watch the 9-minute "Protecting Today's Child" or listen to the audio message at 1-866-878- 4182 (toll-free).
If You are 18 and older, you are required to take Step 1 and Step 2 as follows:
A: You can Download and Read the Child Protection Policy
B: Click, Read, and submit the Worker's Compliance Agreement online.
C. Click and Watch the 9-minute "Protecting Today's Child" or listen to the audio message at 1-866-878- 4182 (toll-free).
D. Gather the following information to enter online:
1) Your salvation testimony. A brief testimony will suffice.
2) Reference contact information (name, phone, email). This should include pastor or church leader,
previous employer, and two personal references. No relatives please.
3) Driver's License (if applicable) and Social Security Number
If you have prepared the information requested in Step 1, section D, it will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete the online application. Note: The system will time out after approximately 10 minutes of no activity, and you must complete the form within 40 minutes.
Enter your application information through this link to the secure server and Click CPP FORM
Please complete steps 1-2 as soon as possible. You will receive email confirmation once your screening has been submitted.
For Questions or concerns regarding screening, contact CEF of Northern Virginia at [email protected] or 703-641-9201.
Thank you for volunteering to reach boys and girls with the Good News of Jesus Christ! May God bless you as you faithfully serve Him!
CEF takes seriously our responsibility to protect the children we serve, the volunteers who serve the children, our partnering churches and the good name of Jesus Christ.
[Screening is Required for CYIAers]
We are so excited about all that you want to serve the Lord this summer as a Summer Missionary. It will be a joy to watch that God will use you in the lives of the boys and girls.
If you are under 17 years old, you are required to take Step 1.
A: You can Download and Read the Child Protection Policy
B: Click, read, and submit the Worker's Compliance Agreement online.
C. Click and Watch the 9-minute "Protecting Today's Child" or listen to the audio message at 1-866-878- 4182 (toll-free).
If You are 18 and older, you are required to take Step 1 and Step 2 as follows:
A: You can Download and Read the Child Protection Policy
B: Click, Read, and submit the Worker's Compliance Agreement online.
C. Click and Watch the 9-minute "Protecting Today's Child" or listen to the audio message at 1-866-878- 4182 (toll-free).
D. Gather the following information to enter online:
1) Your salvation testimony. A brief testimony will suffice.
2) Reference contact information (name, phone, email). This should include pastor or church leader,
previous employer, and two personal references. No relatives please.
3) Driver's License (if applicable) and Social Security Number
If you have prepared the information requested in Step 1, section D, it will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete the online application. Note: The system will time out after approximately 10 minutes of no activity, and you must complete the form within 40 minutes.
Enter your application information through this link to the secure server and Click CPP FORM
Please complete steps 1-2 as soon as possible. You will receive email confirmation once your screening has been submitted.
For Questions or concerns regarding screening, contact CEF of Northern Virginia at [email protected] or 703-641-9201.
Thank you for volunteering to reach boys and girls with the Good News of Jesus Christ! May God bless you as you faithfully serve Him!