About Raymond...
Raymond Seto came to know Christ during his first year in college while studying aerospace engineering. During college, Raymond joined Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, attending their Bible studies and meetings. He eventually led small group Bible studies and became the small group leader coordinator within his dormitory. It was in college that the Lord placed in his heart a desire for missionary work with plans to pursue seminary training. After college, the Lord provided the opportunity for Raymond to be part of a church planting team in Elmhurst, NY. During this time, the Lord opened a door for Raymond to attend Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. While in seminary, he served in another church planting team in South Philadelphia, PA. Upon graduation from Westminster in 2007, Raymond began serving as Pastoral Intern/Director of English Ministry at the Chinese Christian Church of Virginia (CCCVA). On January 2015, Raymond's internship ended with CCCVA and he began serving at Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), diving right in with the Children's Ministry Institute, which he completed in April 2015. Currently, Raymond is serving CEF in Northern Virginia as a Field Missionary.