CEF of NOVA invites you again
to celebrate God’s blessing upon the work!
God has blessed CEF of NOVA by allowing this ministry to reach our goal
of having 40 Good News Clubs already!
We set the new goal of at least 20 more clubs, bringing the total of 60 schools in two years.
Would you like to be a part of God’s blessing to Send the Light ! to
One more child,
One more family,
One more school?
Time: April 23 (Saturday), 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Location: Korean Central Presbyterian Church (2nd Sanctuary)
15451 Lee Highway, Centreville, VA 20121
What kind of music: Bagpipes, voice, flute, violin, piano, cello…
…And Good News Club children singing!
Also you can help us
- Provide us with a point of contact for your church to get involved and/or attend
- Put us in touch with someone else who may be interested in helping
Please contact us at [email protected].
If you would like to attend our Benefit Concert, please click Free-Ticket.